Arete Volume One Fall 2022
Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 1 No. 1 | 2022
Power BI™ in combination with Excel™ was needed to query which courses and/or departments mapped the most to certain ISLOs, PSLOs, and PSLO Components, thus providing a complete mapping picture of all the course outcomes at multiple levels within the institution. With the addition of slicers, the Assessment Committee could identify where the mapped outcomes were mostly housed, within the courses and within multiple levels of the institution. This would answer the question of whether the only courses that mapped to the cultural ISLO are optional courses. Basically, the assessment committee wants to know if a student could get through a degree or certificate and not be assessed in a certain ISLO or PSLO. Thus, the third dashboard in Excel™ was created to gain the complete outcome mapping data. This third SLOTT allows for the tracing of mapping of ISLO, PSLO, and PSLO Components to the division, department, and course levels. The two previous SLOTTs (Figure 4 and 5) did not allow for this. The SLOTT in Power BI™ (Figure 6) somewhat allowed for the trace of mapping data done to department level and PSLO Component, but not the course level. In Figure 7, the SLOTT allows for tracing the mapping data from the ISLO level to the division, department, and course levels using the slicers that filter the data. This SLOTT will show how many CSLOs map to each ISLO based on narrowing it down to first the division level. Through this filter, the cultural ISLO is mainly mapped to courses in the Arts, Communications, and Social Sciences (ACSS) and Career Transfer,
Question Answered This SLOTT information reflects that there is no need to reorganize the SLO mapping structure and that students are being taught and should be assessed for cultural competency.
Electronics, and Business (CTEB) divisions. This was not surprising as these divisions house humanities, social sciences, and career transfer courses. The majority of the ISLOs that map to the Math, Science, and Nursing (MSN) division are in the Critical Thinking competency.
The SLOTT in Figure 7 reflects about 5,880 course outcomes for all the current courses offered in the course catalogue which is a large amount of data causing the image to be hard to read. The embedded video link demonstrates how the filter works to narrow the data in Figure 10. The slicer filters allow for the number of cultural ISLOs to be viewed by the department and course levels. When the filter was applied, the
The Important Question Basically, the Assessment Committee wants to know if a student could get through a degree or certificate and not be assessed in a certain ISLO or PSLO.
departments with the most CSLOs that map to the cultural ISLO were mapped to the Horticulture department, which is a certificate program. Communications (COM 100) and Early Childhood Education (ECE 161) courses have the most CSLOs that map to the cultural ISLO as a single course. Each course has 9 CSLOs that map up to the cultural
ISLO, see Figure 1. COM 100 is a general education course that is required by all degrees and most certificates, which means that the majority of students are able to be assessed for cultural competency, which was an earlier concern of the assessment committee. This SLOTT information reflects that there is no need to reorganize the
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