Arete Volume One Fall 2022

Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 1 No. 1 | 2022

SLO mapping structure and that students are being taught and should be assessed for cultural competency. Figure 7 SLOTT ISLOs for All Courses

Source: Authors’ Illustration

In Figure 8, the SLOTT allows for the tracing of PSLOs to division, department, and course levels. While the information generated by this SLOTT was not needed to determine where the cultural ISLOs were mapped it will filter the data for the PSLO level. This SLOTT information will be useful if Kishwaukee College, after COVID 19, returns to the 4-year Assessment plan. The 4-year Assessment plan is a cycle of what ISLOs and PSLOs are to be measured in a certain year. This plan ensures that all outcomes will have measured and reported data every 4-years. This SLOTT could be utilized to determine which courses would need to assess CLSOs based on the cycle rotation for PSLOs. This rotation is important as it ensures that every PSLO is assessed in a certain time frame to report to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The HLC is the accrediting body for Kishwaukee College. Based on the results shown in the SLOTTs in Figure 4, Figure 7, and Figure 8 a student will be evaluated on each ISLO and PSLO based on the general core education courses’ maps, which shows HLC that every student is assessed for each within the mandatory core courses. Elective courses then provide additional mapped outcomes to the ISLOs and PSLOs that are student concentration (major/certificate) focused.


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