Arete Volume One Fall 2022
Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 1 No. 1 | 2022
SLOTT: Student Learning Outcomes Tracing Tool Nicole Potts Associate Professor of Chemistry Kishwaukee College, Illinois Community College System, Malta, Illinois, USA William Michels Assistant Professor of Mathematics Kishwaukee College, Illinois Community College System, Malta, Illinois, USA Abstract Background: Assessment programs across many higher education institutions have been developed, grown, changed, and restructured. The resulting data analysis from the critical thinking, creative, cultural, and communicative institutional outcomes mapping data should serve as a catalyst to revise action plans to improve the student learning experience. Objectives: During a recent assessment data analysis, Kishwaukee College identified a low number of assessed cultural Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) in comparison to the other three ISLOs in the college assessment program. Approach: The Student Learning Outcome Tracing Tool (SLOTT) was developed utilizing Excel™ Pivot Tables/Charts and Dashboards to be a broad data visualization filtering tool for all aligned and mapped courses. Using SLOTT the course outcome mapping data was analyzed from the course syllabi. Results: The SLOTT provided an easy visualization of the mapped and aligned outcomes, to determine if the low amount of entered data was due to a low number of courses that aligned to the cultural ISLO. Conclusions: The results of this study were unexpected and changed the approach of the Assessment Committee’s actions. Keywords : Assessment, Cultural Competency, Data Analysis, Student Learning Outcomes, Tracing Tool Paper type: Research article Citation: Potts, N., Michels, W. (2022). SLOTT: Student Learning Outcomes Tracing Tool. Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 4 21.
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