Ph.d Global Leadership Student Handbook

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c. Upon completion of year three the student will have maintained at least a B- in all coursework, completed their third cultural immersion (at least one cultural immersion must have been completed in person upon graduation). a. The student will progress to year four if the requirements are successfully achieved. b. If the student has not met at least one of the requirements, an education plan or pathway to graduation plan will be developed with the participation of the mentor and the director; the student can be also placed on probation or dismissed (see graduate catalog for probation and dismissal details). d. Upon completion of year four the student will have maintained at least a B- in all coursework, completed any remaining cultural immersions or publications (at least one of the three cultural immersion must have been completed in person upon graduation). See the dissertation process within Degree Requirements for additional details required for graduation. a. The student will progress to graduation if the requirements are successfully achieved including the dissertation process. b. If the student has not met at least one of the requirements they will develop an education plan or pathway to graduation plan with their mentor and the director and can be placed on probation or dismissed (see graduate catalog for probation and dismissal details).

The Ph.D. in Global Leadership Grading Scheme is followed in each course and by all faculty members as follows:





90-100 90-100%


89 88 82 80 78 72

89-89.9% 88-88.9% 82-87.9% 80-81.9% 78-79.99% 71.1-77.9%








Grade Appeal Policy The process for appealing a grade, while similar to the general appeal process, is specific to this academic issue. A student who believes that a grade awarded is in error may appeal that grade through the following procedure: 1. The student must first exhaust all possibilities for resolution of the problem through discussion, dialogue and written communication with the faculty member. 2. If the student is unable to resolve the problem by these efforts, the student may appeal to the director of the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program. The appeal consists of a letter clearly describing the grounds for the appeal together with

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 08/10/2023

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