Ph.d Global Leadership Student Handbook

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international ring. The International Ring is in addition to traditional Woods Ring and there are two separate ceremonies. For Saint Mary-of-the-Woods students who spent time studying abroad, the ring serves as reminder of their international experiences. If you qualify you will be contacted to participate in the spring ceremony. Annual Academic Review Policy In June of each academic year, students will be contacted by their individual mentor to provide an update that includes details about their academic progress. It is a highly encouraged component of program enrollment to respond to this inquiry and promptly provide updates on your current employment information, progress as a scholar including completion of requirements toward graduation , examples of implementation of your strength’s finder, development as a global leader, and global mindset. This information will continue to aid the faculty and staff within the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program to assist with your growth in the program while also serving department assessment needs. The mentor and the director will determine during this annual review if the student has successfully made progress to continue their studies. Academic Progress If the student has not made successful academic progress (B- or better in all coursework), the mentor will work with the director to suggest an education plan which may require additional coursework or tutoring as part of a pathway through probation. If a student continues to fail in their progress in the education plan outlined by the mentor and/or director, then the student can be dismissed from Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. The mentor and director will also create a pathway to graduation plan if it is determined during the annual review that a student is not on track to complete their student publications and cultural immersions requirements. a. Upon completion of year one the student will have maintained at least a B- in all coursework, completed a cultural immersion (at least one cultural immersion must have been completed in person upon graduation), and submitted a manuscript/poster/e-poster for publication submission. a. The student will progress to year two if the requirements are successfully achieved. b. If the student has not met at least one of the requirements, an education plan or pathway to graduation plan will be developed with the participation of the mentor and the director; the student can be also placed on probation (see graduate catalog for probation details). b. Upon completion of year two the student will have maintained at least a B- in all coursework, completed their second cultural immersion (at least one cultural immersion must have been completed in person upon graduation), and submitted for a journal publication. a. The student will progress to year three if the requirements are successfully achieved. b. If the student has not met at least one of the requirements, an education plan or pathway to graduation plan will be developed with the participation of the mentor and the Director; the student can be also placed on probation or dismissed (see graduate catalog for probation and dismissal details).

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 08/10/2023

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