Ph.d Global Leadership Student Handbook

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will rollover to the following academic year and be used to further assist other Ph.D. in Global Leadership students in their professional development.

Cultural Immersion Requirement SMWC’s Ph.D. in Global Leadership program requires all students, with the oversight of their mentor, to complete three cultural immersions either a physical or virtual delivery format to continue to widen their global lens outside of the classroom. These cultural immersive experiences can include a variety of opportunities provided or promoted by the Ph.D. in Global Leadership program faculty and director including but not limited to the following:

Immersive International Conferences

• Virtual Tours on a Culture Outside Your Own • Self-Lead Study Abroad (including work related or personal) • Studying Abroad with SMWC Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program

Studying abroad is an opportunity for Ph.D. in Global Leadership students to expand their global lens while learning about cultures that are different from their own. Students who will study abroad can increase their scores of cultural intelligence and global mindset, increase their multi-cultural sensitivity, improve their emotional intelligence, be exposed to global critical thinking and problem solving, add value to their lifelong learning and so much more. Unique study abroad and global leadership experiences may be offered in Greece (the birthplace of leadership), Korea, Taiwan, Japan, England, Ireland, France, Italy, Morocco and more. Studying abroad will enrich the doctoral curricula to build a strong and vibrant global leadership culture among students and the institution. Visit the SMWC Study Abroad website for more details; throughout the year the Ph.D. in Global Leadership Program will alert all doctoral students of upcoming study abroad opportunities specific to the program. Each student will complete at least one cultural immersion in a country other than their own where they are in physical attendance while the remaining cultural immersions can be either physical or virtual attendance. The doctoral student will document their immersion in the form of a recorded presentation OR a formal journal submission OR a virtual poster OR critical essay and perspective OR a submission agreed upon with their mentor. The student will submit a form that outlines the plan for cultural immersion prior to attending/participating in the immersion. This form is located on the Ph.D. in Global Leadership SharePoint page. Their documentation prior to and after the immersion will be sent electronically to their mentor who will then submit the recording to the director. Students will receive notice of receipt of the submission and feedback from the mentor along with any needed revisions. Once the mentor believes the submission is complete the student will be notified that their cultural immersion requirement has been satisfied. There are no grades associated with these immersive experiences or the recorded presentations. Visit the Cultural Immersions guidelines page for more information.

Doctoral students who complete a Study Abroad or Virtual Study Abroad have completed a significant international experience in a country other than their own and as such qualify for the

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College | Ph.D. in Global Leadership Student Handbook Updated 08/10/2023

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