Slott-Student Learning Outcomes Tracing Tool

Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 1 No. 1 | 2022

Introduction Assessment takes place at four levels for Kishwaukee College (College): the institutional level (whole college), the program level (degrees and certificates), the program component level (departments), and the course level, which all flow up through connections to the top level (Figure 1). The College collects data on four Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) and includes cultural competence outcome, critical thinking, creative, and communicative competencies. The cultural competency ISLO reads that “learners will recognize the various factors that shape individual and group identity, with an emphasis on the various components of culture and learners will demonstrate the capacity to engage difference in various social settings” (Kishwaukee College, revised 2018). Figure 1 Outcome Levels for Kishwaukee College

Source: Authors’ Illustration


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