Slott-Student Learning Outcomes Tracing Tool

Αρετή (Arete) Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership | Vol. 1 No. 1 | 2022

The Assessment Committee noticed a lower level of entered data at Kishwaukee College for the cultural competence outcome when compared to the other three ISLOs, critical thinking, creative, and communicative competencies. This lack of data could be attributed to two possible problems as seen in Figure 2: • the lack of courses that map and align to the cultural competency may be low (low data amount reflects the low number of course student learning outcomes (CSLO) that connect to the ISLO), or • the lack of entered data results into the database system (low data due to the lack of results being entered into the database). Figure 2 Example of Course Mapping for Gap Analysis

Source: Authors’ Illustration Barriers to the collection of cultural competencies are all too common in education and assessment programs globally (Kruse, 2018). Many educational institutions recognize the importance of cultural competencies expected by a more global society; however, many institutions struggle to assess competencies meaningfully or teach these competencies effectively. With society more globally connected through emerging technologies and advancements, the importance of cultural competencies cannot be overstated. Thus, effectively teaching and assessing these competencies throughout an educational degree is of vast importance when transitioning from student to employee. During a study at the University of Virginia, a barrier to assessing and teaching cultural competencies became very clear. After creating a circular instruction module for teaching the importance of cultural competency during medical treatments, the


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