2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed
I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S
The process is quite simple:
1) Visit Αρετή (Arete): Journal of Excellence in Global Leadership (smwc.edu)
2) Read through the submission preparation checklist and download the appropriate template.
3) Convert your existing paper using the template (please feel free to check in with Arete Editors with any questions).
4) When ready, register and make a submission. The workflow process is shown below.
Table 10: Workflow Process Infographic, Author Illustration
Publishing to a journal can be an exciting adventure! Always have an idea of where you might like to publish (the type of journal) and if there is any cost to you. One of the newest features by publishing houses is to provide what I call “Journal Finders.” Here is a list of just a few that could be helpful. Your pursuit should be a peer-reviewed journal, open access if possible, and a submission process that seems doable.
Most of the journal finders ask for a title, abstract, keywords, or all three. Let’s start with a FAKE abstract to use to test out each journal finder.
FAKE Title : Differences in Clifton Strengths and Global Leadership Driven by Gender and International Experience
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