2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed

I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S

Table 12: Wiley Publishing showing results from Journal Finder

Elsevier Publishing

Journal Finder: https://journalfinder.elsevier.com/

Elsevier supports over 2,700 journals. Elsevier Journal Finder lists the journal plus the cite score, the impact factor, the acceptance rate, the time to first decision, and the time to publication. It even has a way to narrow down the field of research. Using the (fake) abstract, the title, specific keywords, and the field of Business, Management, &Accounting, Elsevier’s Journal Finder matched to 48 journals. One of the things I liked was the summarized cite score for all 48 journals, the time to 1 st decision for all journals and a way to filter publication type. The goldOAmeans the article submitter will pay a fee, and the “S” means the journal charges a subscription to see the articles. The subscription could be paid by an organization’s library (like how Rooney library pays for EBSCO Host, ProQuest, etc.)

Most of the journals that have the OA gold icon (stands for open access) carry a hefty fee for the submitter. For example, the Journal of World Business charges $4,010 to the submitter.

Table 13: showing Open Access pricing from Elsevier Journal Finder


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