2022 Introduction to Statistics in Research Mitchell 2nd ed

I N T R O T O R E S E A R C H : D A T A V I S U A L I Z A T I O N & C O M M O N S T A T T E S T S

Correct Chart – Using relative frequency

Incorrect Chart – Using counts

This chart shows that parents (about 47% percent of them) prefer their children to be less than 250 miles from home. Less than 34% of students want to be less than 250 miles from home. This chart uses accurate information, but misleads the viewer. Never use counts when you have unequal sample size! (and this study is unequal because 10,398 students to 3,750 students) Table 81 : Survey question: Ideally, how far from home would you like the college you (your child) attend(s) to be?. Adapted from College Hopes &Worries Survey Report. (2012). The Princeton Review. Retrieved March 23, 2022 from https://www.princetonreview.com

Just as an FYI, note how I would cite this image made from Princeton's survey in a dissertation using APA 7th edition, even though I made the chart.

Here are the general instructions from APA 7th edition:

Figure x. Description of the image or image title if given. Adapted from "Title of web page," by Author/Creator's First Initial. Second Initial. Last Name if given, publication date if given, Title of Website. Retrieved Month, day, year that you last viewed the website, from url. Copyright date by Name of Copyright Holder.

APA Style: Tables and Figures American Psychological Association

Note: Sample tables are covered in section 7.21 of the APA 7 th edition Link: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/tables-figures

STACKED HORIZONTAL BAR CHART : The next example is used to visualize survey data. I love these charts because they visualize the Likert scale which is commonly used for a range of strongly disagree to strongly agree. This illustration shows an example using red for the strongly disagree, and yellow for disagreeing, and green for neutral, and so on. This is based on a recent survey after several school districts struggled with COVID-19 distance learning. Many schools in the Midwest had no experience with e-learning days!


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